Our upstairs bathroom is so wickedly 60's. It is baby pink and baby blue. It could be so awesome if I had the time and resources to really pimp it out. But, being the full-time, play-at-home, work-from-home mom that I am, my time is super limited. So I have to settle for pimping it out slowly but surely.
First things first, there was this big empty wall behind the toilet that pouted at me every time I looked at it. It pouted and whined, "Put some art on me RIGHT NOW!" So I took to
Google, as I usually do. I searched for pictures mostly, pictures of 60 bathroom artwork, retro bathroom design... things like that. I came across images of cool looking, yet expensive, starburst mirrors. SOOOOO, I Googled something like, starburst wall mirror craft.
voilà! I found what I was looking for. One can find anything on the internet, I always say.
I came across a website called
Dollar Store Crafts. There is a great tutorial there on crafting your own starburst mirror. This tutorial was great because I had most of the materials I needed on hand and it was a job the kids could help me with and learn from in the process. Zoey was able to cut some of the bamboo skewers into various lengths with me and both Zoey and Ethan took turns sticking the bamboo skewers into the styrofoam disk. (
There might have been some whining and fighting over whose turn it was but it all turned out fine in the end.)
I had everything I needed already on-hand in the house except for the mirrors and paint. I was actually able to take the kids with me to the craft store to buy the two things I needed to finish the job, I just called the shop ahead of time and let them know I was coming in with three small children and asked if they could grab the items for me to quickly pick up. They were more then happy to oblige.
When the time came, we all traveled out into the backyard to spray paint the star we made. The kids were eager to try. Ethan is two and Zoey was three when we did this and neither of them were really able to successfully operate the spray can. They both did make a gallant effort though. Either way, they liked watching me spray.
Once we got back inside, Ethan wanted to watch Monsters Inc. So Zoey helped me assemble the rest of the pieces while "E" played with his choo choos and watched.
I let Zoey open all the bags of mirrors and she enjoyed counting and sorting them into different sizes. She also did most of the gluing.
Zo-a-ma-bo eventually got bored and let me know I could go ahead and finish the project on my own. So, Henry played with the kids while I glued mirrors all over the place. Then I hammered a nail into the whiny wall above our toilet and simple stuck the styrofoam disk onto the nail.
I love being able to get my kids involved in projects like these. I'm always amazed at what a great job they do when given the opportunity to try. And when I'm terribly afraid they will hurt themselves with scissors or get glue all over the carpet, they almost always prove me wrong.