My dear sweet daughter just turned four. This was the first birthday where she really wanted to have a hand in planning out her big birthday party. She had so many ideas and I worked overtime to help her see those ideas come to life. I can't help myself. I have a really hard time saying the word no.
It all began when Z asked me if we could have all the My little Pony's at her party. I said, "Well, we can't have the ponies there, but maybe we could have a little activity set up for each pony?" She liked that idea. So it began. We decided to have a station for each of the six main characters, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie (my favorite) and of course, Twilight Sparkle.
I took to Pinterest. (See my "My Little Pony Board" here) I did get some inspiration, but not a ton. One of the first things I knew I needed to make myself... the cake. Here was my checklist for designing and making the cake:
1. Have my Zo-Zo pick out an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, that she want's to watch.
2. Look for a frame within the episode that I think is beautiful and ask Zo if that would make a good cake.
3. After Z approves, pause the video, then draw my original cake design from that image.
4. Contact my brother, who makes cakes with my totally awesome sister-in-law, and ask if we can work together on creating this cake. (See their cakes on facebook by clicking here)
5. Discuss creation ideas with all the foodie people I know
6. Let my brother and Sister-in-law create the tools needed to put the cake together
7. Work with my Sister-in-law to finally put the whole cake together.
This was, by far my most favorite part of the planning process. The "clouds" of the cake were decided upon after my mother-in-law suggested 7 minute frosting as a possibility for creating this kind of look. Ultimately, my brother chose a recipe for Meringue Cloud Cookies from
The rainbow waterfall was created from a really Yummy candy called, Air Head Xtremes! Oh man... I could eat a whole package of these. I really had to rub, pull and bend the candy to shape it, but it worked perfectly!
So, when all was said and done I loved this cake. There is nothing more fantastic then working together with the loved ones in your life to create something, wonderful, beautiful and YUMMY!!!
Coming up next... Pony Party Decorations: The Cutie Clouds